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Remembering 9/11

September 11, 2019 1 min read 3 Comments

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I, like so many others, have lived through a historic time in our history.  Not many millennials can say that. 

As a native New Yorker, I’m always a bit somber on that specific day; reflecting, remembering, and praying.

After being away for school on the anniversary of 9/11 for the last few years, this is the first year I’ll be back in a while and I’m having all kinds of emotions…not sure how to feel about that.

I, like many others, can remember clearly every detail of that day. What I was doing, what time it was, what was going on, and how I felt.

In 2001, I was only 6 and in elementary school in Manhattan. Way too young to understand the weight of what was going on, but all the while knowing it wasn’t an ordinary day. Everything was “different”….”changed”.

As I’ve grown older, however, I’m able to comprehend the details but the sheer magnitude of what happened is still hard to process.  As the anniversary draws closer, I find myself still feeling numbing disbelief. 

I’ll always remember, not how tragic that day was but, how everyone came together; as a city, as neighbors, as citizens, and people sharing a common experience with acts of kindness and courage.  

How old were you during 9/11?


  • Thoughts and Unrest | Anna Elle Liz January 6, 2023 at 12:36 am

    […] Remembering 9/11 […]

  • Buayifa | Let's Live Mini September 11, 2019 at 10:17 pm

    Great article, Anna.
    I was 18 and living in Nigeria when it happened. I remember how sad I felt watching it on TV, wondering what America was going through, and how the country would heal again.

    • annaelleliz September 13, 2019 at 1:39 am

      Thank you for sharing! It’s always amazing to see and hear stories of how everyone around the world was affected.

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