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How to Stay Organized During the School Year

August 28, 2019 3 min read 4 Comments

This article is adapted from my post for Her Campus at Chapel Hill. Click here to check it out!

As much as it pains me to say this it’s back-to-school season. This means hanging out with friends, exploring new places (you can read more about that in my Life as an Out-of-State Student post), meeting new people, and work. Lots and lots of work.

Whether you’re in grad school, an undergrad, or still in high school, one of the keys to success during the school year is staying organized… and studying of course. In honor of the new school year, here are some tips to help you stay organized:


You don’t know what you don’t know. Planners are the hidden gems that keep those super organized people on Pinterest or next to you in class sane! While it can be daunting to have a space to write so much information, try to add some flair to keep you calm. Love colors? Buy some colorful marker pens and color code classes and important assignment dates. Add stickers for extra flair and reminders like doing laundry, calling home, or friends’ birthdays.


I know that lecture classes can be boring, but taking notes *whispers* can actually help you *gasp* pass. Not only will you be able to have a handy-dandy study guide during exam time, but you can even sell your notes for some extra cash during the semester!


Keep it by your side. Study it. Cherish it. I cannot stress how important syllabi are! It may seem silly to spend a day or a week going over syllabi, but this is your guide for the entire semester. Any questions you have, write it down and ask your professor. If it’s not clear now, it won’t be later down the line! Another important tip is to write down assignments and exam dates to help you stay on track.


Keeping a schedule or routine is essential in trying to increase productivity. Having something that you do regularly whether it be homework, working out, or spending time with friends, will help you stay on task. Once you establish a routine, try switching it up every once in a while so tasks don’t become mundane!


It might not be the most exciting thing for you to do, but having a clean space around you can actually help de-clutter your mind as well.


Between the copious amounts of reading, writing, and studying, you have to find something to keep you sane with the amount of work you do. And that’s where music comes in! Take a break and make a playlist on Spotify or search for your favorite artist on Pandora.

I use Spotify to make playlists for different occasions. If I’m studying, I’ll listen to Infinite Acoustic.

If I’m trying to get up in the morning I’ll turn on Morning Motivation.

How do you stay organized?


  • […] How to Stay Organized During the School Year […]

  • […] stress. If you haven’t had the chance, try following some of the tips I mentioned in my How to Stay Organized During the School Year […]

  • Cate Leach September 27, 2019 at 4:21 pm

    So many great tips! Love that you include playlists!

    • annaelleliz September 27, 2019 at 4:44 pm

      Thank you! I found that these worked well for me while I was at school.

      Glad you’re enjoying the playlists!

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