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Be a Great Date… For Yourself

February 12, 2020 3 min read 12 Comments

It wasn’t even 2 hours into February 1 before the dating site ads and #couplegoals pics started popping up all over social media. Not to be outdone, are the stores displaying everything red and pink under the sun.

While I love me some Valentine’s Day and yes, celebrating  L-O-V-E, the globalized message that you’re incomplete without an S.O. is everywhere, all the time. Thank goodness it’s just simply not true! Showing major love to those in your circle and most importantly— yourself—are all important things to do as well; hence why I love me some Galentine’s Day too!

All of this got me thinking, even if you’re celebrating Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day why not switch things up and be a great date…for yourself while you’re at it!

Some ideas:


When you look good, you feel good right? It’s so easy to reserve your favorite things for special occasions, but why not pull out a piece or two that reminds you to celebrate loving you! 

Whether you take yourself out for brunch, view an art exhibit, or even just order in, it’s ok to dial up the special for no other reason than you deserving it. That’s right, be your best you just for you by doing or wearing – whatever makes you feel comfortable, confident, and pretty!


What brings you joy? Is it a relaxing sunset drive? Blasting your favorite music? Cozying up at a bookstore with a good cup of Joe or specialty tea and a good read? How about a leisurely nature hike?

Take a minute to sit down with yourself and jot down a list of places and things that bring you joy. Not only will it spark anticipation but it will also allow you to reconnect with what makes you feel alive! More importantly, you’ll gain a moment to reflect and just be introspective! #alwayslookingforwaystogrow.


While I’m always talking about self-care and relaxing, it doesn’t just have to be bubble baths, facials, and salt scrubs you know; even though those are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ?. 

Self-care can simply mean taking yourself for a walk, doing some restorative yoga, sleeping in, or even just cooking yourself a homemade meal. The best way to show yourself, love, is to do things that enliven you while making you feel more at home within your body. 


Offer up love and support to yourself by immersing yourself in empowering activities and behaviors. Whether it’s a physical, artistic, or intellectual activity, pursuing your passions sends the message to yourself that your needs matter–something that’s so important in a healthy relationship. 

The more you do things that make you feel like your most powerful self, the more empowered you’ll become. 


Kind of like empowering yourself, loving yourself is just as important. Sometimes we can easily get lost overextending ourselves, absorbing too much negativity #cutoutthetoxic, or even focusing on other people’s expectations. If you find yourself trying to avoid calls or texts, or getting anxious when you do have to interact or be in certain situations, it may be time to consider setting up some boundaries.  Remember, saying no doesn’t mean you don’t care or aren’t vested in a great outcome for someone else; sometimes it just means, I can’t give you any more than I have. 

If you haven’t gathered yet, I’m a strong believer that one of the most important relationships you will ever have is with yourself. Anybody or situation that makes you feel anything other than validated, appreciated, cared for, and loved, deserves a hard look and some re-evaluation of the place it occupies in your life. So be good to you and the rest will fall in place.  

How will you date yourself?


  • Lisa Favre February 13, 2020 at 12:27 pm

    I love everything about this. Love starts with yourself and I adore the idea of treating oneself!

    • annaelleliz February 13, 2020 at 6:05 pm

      It sure does! So glad you liked this!

  • Ashley R February 13, 2020 at 11:49 am

    This is a great post. I need to take a few of these and work on them.

    • annaelleliz February 13, 2020 at 6:04 pm

      I fell ya! I’m still a work in progress on the empower and love yourself tips!

  • Mai February 12, 2020 at 4:17 pm

    I love this! Self-care is so important! You have to love yourself to be able to love others.

    • annaelleliz February 12, 2020 at 11:18 pm

      So true! I feel like I’m always ranting about self-care but how can you give love to others if you don’t have it for yourself ??

  • Michelle Jolene February 12, 2020 at 2:46 pm

    I love this! It’s always important to treat yourself the best you can!

    • annaelleliz February 12, 2020 at 11:22 pm

      Haha yes ?!In the words of Parks and Rec, “Treat Yo’ Self!?”

  • Heather February 12, 2020 at 2:07 pm

    I think part of self-care is dating yourself. I haven’t done it in a while.

    • annaelleliz February 12, 2020 at 11:26 pm

      It so is! I’m using February as my month of self-care and commit to taking myself on dates once a week!

  • Claire February 12, 2020 at 1:49 pm

    Great post! I find it really hard to remember to switch off and look after myself, so this is a great reminder. 🙂

    • annaelleliz February 12, 2020 at 11:28 pm

      It is super hard! I’ve been trying to work on that as well. So glad you liked some of the tips!

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