Ready, get set, sweat!
Even though the gym and fitness studios you frequent have closed their doors, there are still plenty of ways to clock in exercise without having to face the outside world.
With free YouTube channels, social media live streams, plus on-demand classes, you’ll be making the transition to home workouts in no time!
Warming up is one of, if not the most important part of working out. Jumping right into a workout without warming up is like taking a shower fully dressed, ya just don’t do it!
Some of my favorite warmups? That would be stretches and song workouts. Stretching is pretty self-explanatory: you try gently bending and flexing your limbs. With song workouts, they’re just short and sweet exercises to any song you like. Feeling some Adore You by Harry Styles, Scrubs by TLC anything Fergie, or maybe some Eminem, any beat that moves your soul will do!
These mini song workouts can slowly get you into the mindset for exercising. Best part is that you’ll be better prepared for a more intense workout while rocking to your favorite jam!
One of my favorite YouTubers who does song workouts is MadFit. They’re between 2-3 mins (the length of a song) but if you really want to up your warm-up game, try her 15 min dance party workout!
Now, depending on how far you’d like to take this home fitness thing, as in you like to go with the flow or are a bit more my preference which is specific days that target different sections of your body… there’s a routine for that! I found my sweet spot by working out 3x a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for 30 mins 1 hour; Mondays and Fridays are legs and glute days while Wednesdays are arms and abs day. Depending on how tired I am, I’ll throw in a HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout too – why not!
But if you’d rather follow a pre-made fitness routine, some of my favs in this category that is specially designed for quarantine times are:
It’s abs day! Can’t say I have a big cheesy grin on this day but it’s also not my least favorite either. I reserve that for my Achilles heel…arm day. I’d like to think I have a pretty strong core so I tend to keep this workout time more on the short side.
My Favorites:
- Alexis Ren’s 10 Min Ab Workout
Not gonna lie, the first time I did this I was p-a-n-t-i-n-g! After refusing to be beaten by my tummy and committing to doing this every week for a month, it still has me questioning my sanity but it starts to feel a little easier albeit with a side of a good burn
- Pamela Reif’s 10 Min Six Pack Workout
This is super challenging, quick, and intense… no matter how many months you’ve been at it. Without fail, I still feel the fire in my tum, which while uncomfortable, lets you know it’s working.
I absolutely dread arm day because I have no upper body strength whatsoever. I’m talking can’t do more than 5 push-ups no upper body strength at all and that’s despite playing volleyball for 10 years. You know that’s an all arms sport right?
All the same, I do exercise my arms in between each of my ab workouts.
My Favorite:
- Holly Dolke’s Tone Arms Workout
Hands down the best arm workout video on the internet. Holy heck did this one hurt. Most of her workouts are pretty intense but this one will have you questioning your very existence. Why am I doing this again? Oh right, for the toned arms! Granted I might have shed a tear or two, but at least I saw prominent changes within 2 weeks!
Thank you former volleyball coaches for the intense leg day training! Leg and glute days are some of my favorite workout days, not only because they feel a little easier (previous training) but there’s something empowering about getting your legs and booty in shape.
My Favorites:
- Mad Fit’s 20 Min at Home Leg Workout
Given that we can’t go to the gym, I love that 90% of Maddie’s workouts require absolutely no equipment. Don’t be fooled though, using only your bodyweight get ready for your legs to start shaking halfway through because this one is killer!
- Mad Fit’s Toned Legs & Round Booty
I tend to do this one when transitioning to glutes since it targets both areas. Why not kill two birds with one stone?
Who doesn’t want a more toned booty? Butt workouts are all the rage and gosh dangit’ I’m jumping on the trend too!
- Pamela Reif’s 10 Min Booty Activation
What I love about this workout is the optional resistance band component which ups the intensity (especially if you choose the hard resistance).
- Blogilates’ 20 minute Glutes Isolate
If I’m looking for an easy way out, this workout is perfect. It’s easy, it’s slow-paced, plus the constant motivation from Cassey (the instructor) helps me endure the whole twenty minutes.
After an intense workout, cooling down is an essential part of completing your workout. Without it, you’re not allowing your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing to return to normal, which is key for recovering and relaxing after exercising.
My Favorite:
- Chloe Ting’s 10 min Full Body Cool Down Stretches for Recovery & Flexibility
Feeling like getting your workout on? Check out some of my other fitness-related articles!
How do you quarantine workout?

I’ve been using Louise Thompson fitness guide to do mine, I’m really enjoying it so far.
Oh, I haven’t heard of her! I just looked her up and those ab workouts look intense! Can’t wait to try it out, thanks for letting me know about her!
Cassey from Blogalites is one of my favorite fitness gurus! Glad to see one of her videos included
Yes! I love how energetic and bubbly she is! She’s like a likable personal trainer that doesn’t scream workouts at you!
I’ve been working out the last few weeks. I do need to add in a good arm toning workout.
I feel ya! I need to work on the arm toning too, but good Lord arm workouts hurt!
Yes! I follow both MadFit and Pamela Reif. Both have been my at home work out 5 days a week!
They’re so great! MadFit is my all-time go-to though! I can only inspire to smile and be that happy when I workout! I’m usually sweating and taking breaks for water.
I tried to do the 10 minute ab routine and thought I was dying!
Same! I couldn’t laugh for a day the first time I did it. I would say it gets easier but man it’s still hard for me, lol!
What great workout videos! I am feeling motivated now.
Yea! Workout videos definitely get you hyped up and motivated to workout!
I just started dieting a couple of weeks ago and I’m almost fully convinced to start workout! I’ll definitely keep this post around!
Aww thanks so much! I actually did the reverse and started working out before dieting, that’s too funny!
Ahhaha that’s funny
Almost a year later (it took me forever to find this post) but I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Through this post I’ve discovered Pamela Reif and I’ve been doing her workouts ever since. Thank you because her workout plan are easy to follow and stick to. I’ve been working out for almost a year and that’s never happened. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve changed and it all started with this post. Thank you ?
I’m tearing up over here! Your comment has made my day…no my year! Congrats and shout out to you for sticking with a workout program and finding someone who clicks with ya, lord knows after month 4 I was done, lol! You’re actually inspiring me to get back into it because I forgot how fun they are and how great those routines can be. So THANK YOU so so much from the bottom of my hear 💖!
Love this!! I’ve been slipping on my workout routines but I’ll incorporate these into my workout 🙂
Oh what types of workouts do you do? I’m always looking for new inspiration! High five ? for getting back into the workout groove!
I was just saying I need to just a workout routine during this lock down. Great post
Woohoo! Glad you have some extra workout inspiration now! I would recommend starting off slow and gradually building up to get to the 30 mins to 1-hour mark!