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10 Things to Love About Winter

January 20, 2021 4 min read 7 Comments

Whether you’re a summer bunny or a winter wolf, there’s no denying that everything changes when that time of year rolls around.  Birds fly south, squirrels hang up their busy nut gathering, and bears set their alarms for spring—just to name a few.  All to usher in a season that creates sparks sentiments in us all.  

You may not be surrounded by mountains filled with snow, but winter, nonetheless, has something whimsical to offer no matter where you are.

With that being said, here’s 10 things to love about winter!


Cities and towns around the world light up with each night, completely changing the mood and atmosphere. From dancing holiday lights to ornate or even simple decorations, it all brings with it a feeling of good-will, joy, hopefulness and a dash of romance.  


There’s nothing better than laying on the couch or sliding around the house in a warm  cozy pair of fuzzy socks. My favorites are anything that makes me smile that which is usually a mix of silly and funny.


I’m a foodie; pure and simple.  And winter food is by far my favorite because of how hearty the dishes are. Soups galore? Savory sides? You name it, I want it in my belly! Winter has, in my book, been defined as the season of comfort food and when has comfort food ever been a bad thing? #never


I know Christmas has come and gone but I’ll have to admit that Jesus’ b-day is one of my favorite parts of winter. Knowing that where there is hope, love, light, and life, along with healthy doses of God’s plan and purpose, reaching us is the best gift of all.


When it snows, it’s like pure magic sprinkling from the sky. Don’t believe me, take a little kiddo outside and watch their reaction.  Priceless right? Of course, we could all do without the slushy, dirty roads that follow.  But for that small moment when all is silent and feel the stillness during snowfall it truly does feel magical!  

If you’d like to explore how snowflakes were first captured on film and what they revealed, check out incredible books by photographer William “Snowflake” Bentley.  


Crawling into bed, safely away from the harsh cold, underneath layers of soft blankets and flannel sheets feels extra cozy during this time of year.


Okay, I’m not exactly sure how fresh NYC air is, but wintertime is the closest I’ve ever been to getting a semi-good whiff of fresh air! Pollution is down as well as most of that pesky allergy-triggering pollen. The piece-de-resistance is all that winter crisp cool air swirling around makes you appreciate every minute, especially when remembering those sweltering 100+ F summer days.


Am I the only one in the summer who can’t wait for winter so I don’t have to fight off mosquitoes, bees, and gnat  attacks?

Either way I celebrate that there are no bugs (or at least less) bugs in the winter and I can finally wake up without mosquito bites that itch like crazy and drink tons of that addictive southern sweet tea  without attracting critters. 


There’s no better time to take layering to the next level! In winter, you can basically wear all of your clothes at once, wrap yourself in comfy scarves, and show off your fuzzy slippers. Winter is the season for boots that let you pretend you’re walking on clouds, jackets that feel like sleeping bags, and hats that cover up a bad hair day in the coolest way possible.


For some reason, people tend to get very nostalgic around wintertime.  Maybe it’s religious teachings that warm us to our shared humanity… or, maybe it’s that the season brings more people together which allows us a chance to slow down; ending in deeper conversations sharing more traditions as well as activities.  Each one, in its own special way, helps us to look forward to creating more memories every year.

Want more winter-inspired articles? Check out some of my previous posts:

Do you enjoy winter? If so, tell me your favorite thing about the season.
Background photo from love grows wild

Feature Image by Love Grows Wild. You can check out her post here!


  • deborahbrooks14 January 21, 2021 at 7:48 am

    I also find a lot to love about winter. The tranquility and the quiet I find outdoors on my run and the invigorating of the cold

  • Mae Loureto January 21, 2021 at 3:04 am

    You just made me love winter! To be honest, I am not a big winter fan! lol But I do agree that bugs be gone and comfort food!

    • annaelleliz February 4, 2021 at 12:27 am

      Haha, yes! The bugs being gone are the best part for me!

  • Marta January 20, 2021 at 9:50 pm

    Our “winter” is so mild here in the Hill Country of Texas. Rarely do we see a good amount of snow, but I love these suggestions!

    • annaelleliz February 4, 2021 at 12:27 am

      Oh wow! I don’t know what I do without a snow white winter!

  • Amber Myers January 20, 2021 at 2:53 pm

    Yes, I so love the fresh air and the cozy beds. Winter isn’t all bad!

    • annaelleliz January 20, 2021 at 5:05 pm

      The coziness of coming home to a warm space after being outside in the cold is just heaven!

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